

Tennessee Sippin' Shrubs



About The Herbal Cup

We offer an ever-evolving assortment of elixirs, paleo baked goods, teas, and treats, made with love in a community kitchen in East Nashville.  

Gluten free.  Dairy free.  Sugar free.  Paleo.  Sustainable.

Catch us out at markets and festivals throughout the Nashville and Middle Tennessee area!  Order Delivery via Market Wagon!

Follow us on instragram @herbalcuplove for the latest updates!

Our modern wisdom reminds us to incorporate purposeful herbs and clean ingredients into our diets for healthy bodies.

Our offerings are always made with gluten-free high-quality nutrient-dense ingredients, oftentimes incorporating superfoods, utilizing organic and local suppliers when available.

We hope to bring flavorful yet vital foods to the communities we love!  Here’s to good vibes and tasty bites!


Markets and Festivals in Nashville Tennessee


Where to Find The Herbal Cup

Check us out at Nashville Farmer’s Market on Saturdays!
Pre-Order Now for pickup at the market.

Shipping is available to anywhere in the US for our loose leaf teas, pre-made tea bags, Tennessee Sippin’ Shrubs, and other items!  Click here to order!

In the Middle Tennessee area, you can order on Market Wagon for local delivery!